
6 days after my due date (10.02.2018) I woke up like any other normal day, I cooked me and Liam bacon sandwiches and we sat down to eat them. When I took the first bite I knew something wasn’t right, the bacon tasted so salty, now I love salt but it made my whole mouth water. I asked Liam if his was the same, he said his was fine… I took a couple more bites and had to give mine to him.

We had agreed to go shopping about 1pm with Liam’s parents, just to Tesco. I didn’t want to adventure too far.

We’d planned with jade to have a Chinese that evening about 7pm so I told Liam to pick himself up a meal deal to have for dinner so he was ready for his Chinese later on. I also picked up one for myself too. We was walking around Tesco and I suddenly had a massive feeling of pain which gave me goose bumps! I didn’t want to worry anyone so carried on shopping whilst gripping onto the trolly. Liam and his parents asked me several times “are you ok?!” I just explained I was slightly “uncomfortable…”. The walk around Tesco felt like it took forever I was ecstatic when we got to the check out, paid and started to walk out. The whole time whilst walking round my body was in pain, a pain I can only describe as the worst period pain I’d ever experienced.

We got home packed the shopping away and I told Liam what had been happening, he advised I have a lay down, he got me the duvet on the sofa and tucked me in. I lasted on the sofa about 5 minutes before I was up crippled over in pain again. I text jade to let her know she could still come round but I may give birth…

6pm got here and I begged Liam to text jade and tell her not to come round. They were both gutted as they were looking forward to there take out but I knew it wouldn’t be long until we were in hospital. I monitored my on contractions on my iPad, it kept flashing up ‘go to hospital!’ I decided to call water lily (our local delivery suite) about 7pm, the lady the other end advised “take some paracetamol and have a bath…” I took her advise, Liam took his coffee upstairs and ran me a bath whilst I was taking some paracetamol. This bath was the least enjoyable bath I’d ever had, I was out of it after about 5 minutes. I waddled into the bedroom got dressed and did my hair… I remember saying to Liam “it’s happening” I couldn’t tell at that moment if he was excited or bloody terrified. He brought the suit cases down from upstairs and we waited for another couple of hours. I was on and off my birthing ball, walking around and trying to enjoy a cup of tea.

Liam called his mum around 9.30pm and I called Water Lily to inform them we were on the way, we also informed my mum to get ready and meet us there. By the time Liam’s mum got to ours I had my shoes on and was ready to go. I don’t remember much of the car journey there I was just concentrating on not screaming in pain. Once we’d reach the hospital Kim (that’s Liam’s mum) raced over the first speed bump which made me feel like my insides had fallen out. Luckily she swerved the next one. Liam got out the car to get the parking ticket which felt like he stood there for a life time! We made our way into the hospital, Liam gave me the choice of lift or stairs? I chose the stairs as I knew I could just run up there and get to Water Lily quicker.

We had previously had a tour of the Water Lily suit so we were adamant we wanted to deliver here, due to the calming atmosphere and I wanted a water birth. We decided against the main delivery suite as there was a lot of medical equipment and there wasn’t much space around the bed. There was also no pool.

We arrive onto Water Lily where they were waiting for me, I was placed in a rather large room, with a pool, bean bags and a large bathroom, and was told somebody would be with me shortly. The room was really dark and really hot, I couldn’t get comfortable anywhere! I could hear a voice from the corridor, my mum hallelujah!! I don’t care what anybody says seeing and hearing your mothers voice makes you feel better in any situation! Between 30/50 minutes later I was greeted by a midwife and student midwife who did some checked and examined me… 1cm, was that a joke?!?

They agreed to run me a bath to relax me. Once the pool was ran I was ready to jump in as I just wanted something to help with the pain. As I got in I lost balance fell back was a nearly drowned myself.. I should have known then that was the start of everything to go wrong…

Liam made the most out of when the midwives were in a out by searching the cupboards and playing with the pool floats.

I couldn’t honestly give you a time on when things were happening as the next 15hours seems like a blur. I was examined roughly 4 hours after our arrival in which I was sure I had progressed more. I was ecstatic to hear I was 5cm! I was actually doing this!! Because I hadn’t eaten and the midwives could see me getting tired they offered me some biscuits, I can honestly say I love a biscuit but these were awful! My mouth was so dry there was no possibility of me getting through a biscuit! Because I was 5cm they allowed me to have gas and air as pain relief. I can honestly say this stuff is amazing! Although it really doesn’t take any of the pain away it just makes you feel like your floating.

I was finally more relaxed so they tried to make me eat some toast, once again I couldn’t even chew it! I was drinking orange juice how I wanted to drink a pint of larger for the last 9months, pints and pints of it… the midwife decided she’d try make me eat some honey to build my energy levels… she scrapped the bottom of the bottle and put it in my mouth, it felt like she’d just poured a tub of sugar in my mouth. HORRENDOUS. My mouth glued shut and I couldn’t even suck the gas and air!

It was then agreed I was allowed to try morphine by mouth, I think it lasted in my system about 20 minutes and then came straight back up.

8am rolled round and we had a midwife change over, 10hours I’d currently been in the hospital. This midwife came straight in and examined me, to my surprise she said “3cm” how the hell was that possible?!? I was 5cm the last time they checked. The midwife went out the room and came back, she asked me when the last time I’d been for a wee, I explained I hadn’t been since I got here. She went out to speak to a higher midwife who told her I needed to go else I’d have to go through to the main delievery suite (where I really didn’t want to go). I sat on the toilet for a good hour but nothing was happening. She agreed to give me a helping hand..(I’ll leave that to your imagination).

My waters still hadn’t broken at this point so the midwife broken them for me and gave me two injections as pain relief, one being an anti sickness. I honestly don’t remember anything from this point until about 12/1pm when I woke up and sitting in the room was my mum, kim and Liam’s dad kev, who’d gone to Aldi on the way to get me some lucozade which I was actually drinking as I woke up..

The pain was intense and I’d had everything I could except an epidural (which I didn’t want), the midwife asked if I’d like to try a tens machine which puts little electric shocks into the bottom of your back as you control it from the control pad. I’d recommend one of these to anyone! I had gas and air in one hand and tens machine in the other, I found the best setting for me as I could feel a contraction was number 4. I had a great rhythm with the tens machine and gas and air, as I started contracting I’d turn the tens machine to number 4 and start sucking the gas and air.

I starting contracting and dropped the gas and air I handed the tens machine to Liam and told him “crank it up” (as in to number 4), I’ll never forget Liam’s voice “ok babe”… straight up to number 7, liam electrocuted my whole body!! We you can imagine he was called every name under the sun.

At around about 4pm after being in labour 18hours it was decided that my body wasn’t progressing in the way they would have liked. The midwife went to speak to her manager who confirmed I’d need to go through to the Delievery suite to be monitored more. I heard something mentioned about an epidural but I brushed it off as if I hadn’t heard it. I was only aloud two people to come with me so without a doubt I chose my mum and Liam.

I walked to the next room which was classed as ‘Delievery suite’ the relief when I walked into this room was amazing. On Water Lily there was no natural light I hadn’t known if it was night or day. Suddenly I could see the sun. In front was me was a big comfy bed, I hadn’t realised how uncomfortable the bean bags I’d been laying on in the previous room were until I got into the bed.

On arrival a Dr came in and started tapping me hand? I had absolutely no idea what was going on… My midwife then confirmed the dr was there to fit a cannula into my hand as I needed a hormone to make my labour speed up. I was so away with the fairy’s I just let him get on with it, my fear of needles went out of the window.

Once this was fitted I sat puffing on the gas and air and another Dr entered with a trolley containing surgical equipment, surely the baby wasn’t ready to come already?! My mother was asked to leave… I got concerned as I had no idea what was going on, I was asked “make your way to the edge of the bed please and hug this pillow” it was only then it sunk in I was being given an epidural?!

A lady, who I believe was a member of the support team was crouched down looking up at me. She tried to explain the reason I was having an epidural was because the hormone was to build the contractions faster a lot quicker than they would naturally and that my body had been through enough pain. I remember her repeatedly saying “stay very still!” I wanted to scream at her,

“You try having contractions and staying extremely still!!”

I have to admit I didn’t feel the epidural. I laid bad in the bed once everybody except Liam and my mum had left the room and breathed a sigh of relief. I was finally out of pain.

It was roughly 6pm by the time I was left to ‘chill out’ the midwife informed me I would be examined every 2hours by a dr.. A MAN?! As if I hadn’t lost all dignity all ready!

My mum was exhausted by this time so once she knew I was in safe hands she left. It was nice to be honest to finally be alone with Liam and to enjoy the last few hours as just the two of us.

8pm came around super quickly, and much to my disappointment another midwife change around was needed. I also knew I was due to be examined. The Dr took any part of my dignity I had left, but confirmed I was progressing how they expected, PERFECT. The Dr confirmed my delievery would be natural. It was finally a piece of good news!

They’d managed to attach a clip onto the babies head which helped them read his heart rate but unfortunately it kept falling off, the which made the machines beep, there was no chance I’d be able to sleep.

I told Liam to go for some fresh air, he’d been amazing but I was starting to see him getting tired. He knew I was ok and there was no chance the baby was suddenly going to pop out, he did as I asked… only to be back less than 10 minutes later!

9.50pm got here and Liam asked permission to use the shower that was attached to my room. The midwife confirmed it was fine to use. Thankfully I had been prepared and had liam a change of clothes in my hospital bag. I was alone for the first time in 24hours as my midwife left the room. As I closed my eyes, the door opened “examination time”.

All I can say is thank god I was numb, was this dr trying to deliver my baby with his own hand?! Once he was finished he looked at me and shook his head “it’s not happening unfortunately..” it was kind of a throw away comment I thought, I had no idea what he was taking about. The words “c-section” just fell out of my mouth.. The Dr looked at me with tightened lips and said “yes miss glynn..”

“When?!” I said baring in mind my boyfriend was still pampering himself in the shower!

“Now” he confirmed.

Liam walked out of the bathroom just as I was signing my life away.. ok it was just a consent form but the fact some of the ‘complications’ where listed as life threatening it seemed a lot worse. Liam looked at me and asked me what I was doing, before I could explain to him a Dr handed him a set of scrubs.. “I’m going down to theatre” I explained. The blood rushed from Liam’s face and he looked like a ghost. “It’s ok babe, we’re going to meet our son” I reassured him.

I was wheeled down and taken into the theatre room, my bed was tilted and they slid me onto the operating table. I expected to turn around and see Liam but he wasn’t there! “Where’s my partner?!” I shouted. I was told he was waiting out side whilst they prepared me for theatre and then he’d be allowed in. I suddenly felt a cold liquid go right from the top of my spin to the bottom. The Dr confirmed this was just a higher quantity of the epidural.

Liam joined my side and we waited. As the surgery began I was told I’d feel a couple of tugs and some pressure. The only way I can describe what I actually felt was it felt like somebody was repeatable kicking me in the stomach but it didn’t hurt..My whole body was moving up and down as they operated. The Dr who was monitoring my stats throughout labour tried to make general chit chat, “where do you work?”, “how many babies do you have?” I just remember answering and wishing he’d just be quiet. Whilst surgery was happening I started to smell burning, I thought “just my luck 25hours in labour and now I’m going to be evacuated as the hospital was on fire!” Luckily i was reassured it was the easiest way to get through fat layers to burn them.

At 11.39pm I heard suction and a scream of a baby, I remember feeling relieved but in shock that it was all finally over and I was about to meet our boy. I’d previous asked the midwife to hand him straight to Liam as I had no idea which planet I was on. Liam got up to cut the remaining cord. He came back a couple of minutes later no longer just ‘my liam’ but within a couple of minutes he’d became a dad. The first thing I said to Liam as I tried to look at our boy was “does he look like an alien?!?” The whole of theatre laughed! A lovely Chinese lady came up to me and started to wipe my tears, to be honest i didn’t even no I was crying I was that exhausted!

It was over. Two had became three, Seth Kevin Paul Rodwell had arrived weighing 8lb2.

Liam wheeled Seth out of theatre as I was swapped from the theatre table to my bed. My epidural was taken out in theatre so I expected pain pretty soon.

We were wheeled to ‘recovery’ I’d like to point out I’d call this more of an overly large store cupboard. I was hooked up to a number of different drips and was able to have skin on skin contact with my baby. I’d never held a baby before so I was so overwhelmed with how beautiful and small he was. The midwife left us for a while until my monitors that were connected to my drips kept bleeping. She came back and asked me to keep my arm still, which was impossible whilst holding Seth.

Liam got Seth dressed and we were told he’d need a bottle, the midwife brought us a ready made one over as ours were still in our cases. I’d previously explained I had no idea what I was doing and she’d agreed to help me, although she just walked off.. I looked at Liam who shrugged and said “shove it in”. I didn’t realise how little he’d drink I expected the whole bottle to be gone. When the midwife returned I explained my worry that he’d only had about 10ml and she explained his belly was no bigger than the size of a pea so that was enough.

As time went on I could see Liam getting tired. 3.30am arrived and I told Liam to go home, he refused to go until we were on the ward comfortable. Seth could obviously see Liam getting tired so decided to have his first poo, if you’ve got children you’ll no what this is like, if you haven’t I can only explain it as black tar. In the hospital wipes are not provided so liam had to clear this up with water and cotton wool balls, its fair to say it was a nightmare!

4.30am rolled around and I was told a porter was being arranged for me. I was happy about this although sad because I knew once I got to the ward Liam would have to leave. At 5.00am the porter arrived. The end of my bed was fulled of bags and Liam pushed Seth to the ward. As soon as my bed was in placed on the ward Liam was told to say goodbye and leave. There was one thing I wanted to give to Liam before he left, as silly as it sounded I never thought I’d leave the hospital, I was terrified of complications and a week before my labour I’d wrote Liam a letter explaining how proud I was of him, and I knew if he put his mind to it he’d be amazing. I handed him the letter and told him when he got home to sit down relax and read it. This letter always gave me a warming feeling because I knew if anything happened to me my boys would know how much they meant to me.

I was so upset that our first night away from each other was me being in hospital. I felt so alone. We said our goodbyes and Liam left, the midwife also left to show him the way out. I expected somebody to come and check on me as my bags were at the end of my bed and my baby was in a fish take about 4ft away from me (obvs not a really fish tank), but no body came back for me, so I kicked the bags on the floor and reached over for my boy. After about an hour a nurse cane around and told me off for lifting Seth out as I wasn’t “up to carrying that much weight” due to just having an operation. I was a mum now, what’d they expect me to do just lay here?! No I wanted to get up and be at home with my family. After what felt like I’d been told off I try to lay back and relax.

Seth woke up at about 7.00am which was perfect time as I could hear the breakfast trolly and I knew I’d only have an hour till liam arrived. I was starving! On the menu for breakfast was a croissant and some rice crispies. I could have eaten ten potions but it did the job at the time. Liam arrived and I felt so happy! I wasn’t able to get out of bed yet and around my bed was such a mess so he had a little tidy up for me and relaxed with Seth.

Labour was the hardest most rewarding experience I’ve ever had. I secretly loved every second despite all the pain. I look back and think I’d do it all again tomorrow. No matter how many times you think about how you’d like your labour to happen it’ll no doubt never happen that way, but that’s ok because as long as you and the baby are safe that’s all that matters!

Thanks for reading. The first 6 months of Seths life will be published next.


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